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SHOWA 772 Nitrile Long Sleeve Gauntlet
ex. VAT
  • A flexible, robust glove offering great dexterity and with good resistance totearing.
  • Protects the hand from oils, hydrocarbons, grease and abrasion, witheffective long lasting grip.
  • Impermeable for working in damp or greasyenvironments,enabling you to grip objects securely.
  • Sleeve stays correctlyadjusted.
  • Surface provides tactile feel and better grip.
  • Greater hygiene.
  • Easyhang storage.
  • Designed for easy movement and continuous wear.
  • Extendedprotection for the entire arm hand.
  • Extended sewn sleeve, elasticated border.
  • Rough finish over entire surface.
  • Antibacterial and anti-odour treatment.
  • Anatomical shape.
  • Cut and sewn.
  • Eyelet for ventilation and hanging.
  • Extendedsewn sleeve, elasticated border.
  • EN388 (2003) 4-1-1-1.


Suggested uses: Aerospace, Automotive, Chemical, Construction, Manufacturing, Municipal Services, Oil & Gas.

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